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1. 近义词

Secure: Safe, Protected, Shielded

Example sentence: We need to make sure our network is secure before we start sending sensitive information.

Happy: Joyful, Pleased, Content

Example sentence: She always feels happy when she hears her favorite song on the radio.

Brave: Courageous, Fearless, Bold

Example sentence: The firefighter showed immense bravery when he rushed into the burning building.

2. 反义词

Hot: Cold, Cool, Chilly

Example sentence: It’s too hot to go outside, but the air conditioning is making it cold inside.

Big: Small, Little, Tiny

Example sentence: The restaurant only serves small portions, so you might need to order a few dishes if you’re really hungry.

Fast: Slow, Gradual, Leisurely

Example sentence: She drove much slower on the winding mountain roads than she did on the highway.

3. 意群相近词语

Love: Adore, Cherish, Worship

Example sentence: I deeply love my family and would do anything for them.

Laugh: Chuckle, Giggle, Snicker

Example sentence: The comedian’s jokes made the whole audience laugh uncontrollably.

Eat: Devour, Consume, Ingest

Example sentence: After the long hike, we were so hungry we could devour an entire pizza by ourselves.

4. 意群相反词语

Good: Bad, Evil, Terrible

Example sentence: It’s important to distinguish between good and bad behavior in order to make ethical decisions.

Right: Wrong, Incorrect, False

Example sentence: The teacher marked the student’s answer as wrong because it was factually incorrect.

Positive: Negative, Hostile, Pessimistic

Example sentence: His negative attitude towards the project didn’t inspire confidence in the rest of the team.

5. 前缀和后缀词语

Believe: Disbelieve, Unbelieve, Misbelieve

Example sentence: It’s hard to believe that he would betray us, but we can’t disbelieve the evidence.

Happy: Unhappy, Disappointed, Miserable

Example sentence: She was unhappy with her performance on the test and felt disappointed in herself.

Active: Inactive, Passive, Dormant

Example sentence: She used to be very active in sports, but now she’s leading a more passive lifestyle.

6. 同类词语

Cat: Lion, Tiger, Panther

Example sentence: Even though cats are usually kept as pets, they are actually part of a larger feline family that includes lions and tigers.

Car: Bus, Truck, Motorcycle

Example sentence: She prefers to ride her motorcycle to work instead of taking the bus or driving her car.

Apple: Banana, Orange, Mango

Example sentence: She likes to eat apples as a snack because they are healthier than candy or other sweets.


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